CheckList Module for V2.5

CheckList Module for V2.5

por Seth Mengal -
Número de respostas: 9

Hi, i just installed 

and the block and export plugin for this.


But, i dont get the options to select them multiple courses or topics, although when i click on the Checklist it takes me back to /my

Have a look at the screencast.

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Em resposta à Seth Mengal

Re: CheckList Module for V2.5

por Davo Smith -
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I am not aware of any reason why the checklist plugin would redirect you to the 'my home' page.

I am not sure what you mean by 'i dont get the options to select them multiple courses or topics', this doesn't sound like any feature of the checklist that I've ever written.

Please can you switch on debugging and check for any error messages ( )

Em resposta à Davo Smith

Re: CheckList Module for V2.5

por Seth Mengal -

What i meant was, this page


I havent seen this page to select the particular activities for checklist or where a student can write their own checklist, 


As it says: 

  • Student checklist items (so that students can add their own items to keep track of)
Em resposta à Seth Mengal

Re: CheckList Module for V2.5

por Seth Mengal -

Here is the error..

Anexo Capture.PNG
Em resposta à Seth Mengal

Re: CheckList Module for V2.5

por Seth Mengal -

Heres the errors inside the Activity Settings

Anexo 12.PNG
Em resposta à Seth Mengal

Re: CheckList Module for V2.5

por Davo Smith -
Imagem de Core developers Imagem de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imagem de Peer reviewers Imagem de Plugin developers

To address all 3 posts in one go.

You have linked to an image in the Moodle docs that gives an overview of the checklist functionality - it shows what a checklist looks like from the student's perspective, as well as the overview that a teacher is able to see. The only thing I can guess at is that you haven't been able to reach the 'edit checklist' page (which isn't shown in the screenshot you linked to), which can be reached by clicking on the checklist and then clicking on the 'edit checklist' tab. The 'student checklist items (so that students can add their own items to keep track of)' is one of the settings for the checklist, which does exactly what it describes - could you explain what is not working about this.

The next post shows an error related to CONTEXT_CACHE_MAX_SIZE - this is not something I use in my checklist code, so the problem there is unrelated to my code.

The other warning message you have included is related to the 'mylivechat' block, again, this is nothing to do with my checklist plugin.

I still can't see anything in my checklist code that would redirect you to the 'my home' page, so I can only assume that it is some other plugin you have active (maybe the 'mylivechat' block?) that is causing the problem.

Em resposta à Davo Smith

Re: CheckList Module for V2.5

por Seth Mengal -

I disabled mylivechat plugin, still i dont see the checklist activity still, It isnt even a theme issue.

Em resposta à Seth Mengal

Re: CheckList Module for V2.5

por Seth Mengal -

My Home shows these errors:


Notice: Constant CONTEXT_CACHE_MAX_SIZE already defined in /home/edequa5/public_html/lms/config.php on line 30

The block mis does not define the standard capability block/mis:myaddinstance
  • line 606 of /blocks/moodleblock.class.php: call to debugging()
  • line 579 of /blocks/moodleblock.class.php: call to block_base->has_add_block_capability()
  • line 236 of /lib/blocklib.php: call to block_base->user_can_addto()
  • line 1866 of /lib/blocklib.php: call to block_manager->get_addable_blocks()
  • line 1005 of /lib/blocklib.php: call to block_add_block_ui()
  • line 353 of /lib/blocklib.php: call to block_manager->ensure_content_created()
  • line 7 of /theme/archaius/layout/general.php: call to block_manager->region_has_content()
  • line 847 of /lib/outputrenderers.php: call to include()
  • line 777 of /lib/outputrenderers.php: call to core_renderer->render_page_layout()
  • line 153 of /my/index.php: call to core_renderer->header()
Em resposta à Seth Mengal

Re: CheckList Module for V2.5

por Davo Smith -
Imagem de Core developers Imagem de Particularly helpful Moodlers Imagem de Peer reviewers Imagem de Plugin developers

I'm afraid neither of those error messages have anything to do with the checklist activity (I don't mention CONTEXT_CACHE_MAX_SIZE in my code and the other error relates to block_mis ).