Manage Backup Files gives "Can not read file" error

Manage Backup Files gives "Can not read file" error

di Dan Bennett -
Numero di risposte: 0

Hi all,

Hoping someone can help (or know) the answer to this.

We have a 2.3.3 site that was migrated from 1.9.
We've found now that when trying to clear out course backups, if I click on Manage Backup Files, I get the error

'Can not read file, either file does not exist or there are permission problems'

Debugging shows;

Debug info: /home/<user>/domains/<domain>/moodledata/filedir/55/98/5598c7dbbb42a65ce1c49eef0566c0aa5e73c490
Error code: storedfilecannotread
Stack trace:
  • line 175 of /lib/filestorage/stored_file.php: file_exception thrown
  • line 806 of /lib/filestorage/stored_file.php: call to stored_file->update()
  • line 394 of /lib/filelib.php: call to stored_file->set_source()
  • line 255 of /lib/filelib.php: call to file_prepare_draft_area()
  • line 55 of /backup/backupfilesedit.php: call to file_prepare_standard_filemanager()
File permissions are correct, as well as ownership. On looking, the directory it's looking for indeed doesn't exist. But why?
There is one backup file that I can't download.
That's in /pluginfile.php/2/backup/course/
I'm getting stuck and I really need to fix this issue to remove backup files.
(I also have the same issue with viewing Legacy Course Files. That's a seperate thing though. It thinks they're there but they're not, they're in the new Moodledata...)
Thanks in advanced!
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