Renaming Site Home in the Navigation Block

Re: Renaming Site Home in the Navigation Block

Christian Herman tomonidan -
Number of replies: 0

Making a teachers-only block is simple.  Add an HTML block, access it's settings, and click Permissions in the Admin block.  For the view block capability click the X next to any roles you don't want to see it.

Blocks don't contain resources so they'll need to be located in a course and linked into the HTML block.  You could create a course in which only teachers are enrolled to house the resources.  Or use an existing course to which all teachers have access, add an extra section at the bottom of the course, add the resources, then remove the section.  In either scenario, copy the resource urls into your HTML block.

Keep in mind this works just for access, not for teachers to reuse these resources in their courses.

You can use the same principle to create an static "Main Menu" block.  Create an HTML block and copy in the urls of links you want it to contain.