Video streaming solutions

Video streaming solutions

de către David Olson-
Număr de răspunsuri: 18

I find that the youtube and Vimeo are ad supported services and therefore contrary to our not for profit approach.  So we have services provided through a CDN service for video streaming.  I need to know the secret sauce needed to connect a non-Amazon rtmp stream solution to the course content.  Anyone have any ideas?

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Ca răspuns la David Olson

Re: Video streaming solutions

de către Justin Hunt-
Fotografia lui Particularly helpful Moodlers Fotografia lui Plugin developers

HI David

I am curious as to why Amazon doesn't make your list. If it did ... a Japanese Moodler just released a plugin for streaming from amazon

If you pay for Vimeo Plus, they remove all the ads. That might be a good option. 


Ca răspuns la Justin Hunt

Re: Video streaming solutions

de către Nathan Mcilree-

Yes I used to work for a College that paid for Vimeo Plus, it was pretty reasonable ( about £60 ayear if I recall correctly ) and nice apis and formatting options.  You could also only allow access to videos streamed through specific URL, i.e. only embedded on your site.

Ca răspuns la David Olson

Re: Video streaming solutions

de către Matt Bury-
Fotografia lui Particularly helpful Moodlers Fotografia lui Plugin developers

Hi David,

Is there any specific reason you want RTMP streaming? If not and you're happy with progressive download (, you can use any server that can store files, e.g. a bucket server. If you have very long video files, i.e. longer than 20 mins, then RTMP streaming is one (expensive) option whereas, if you have the original high bit rate video files (to avoid lossy transcoding), you can edit them down into 10 minute sections and deploy them in one player as a playlist (easier to do in Moodle 1.9 than 2.x but still doable).

Also AFAIK, with RTMP streaming, HTML5 isn't really a viable option yet as support for it is still experimental.

And, progressive download is a lot more robust than RTMP streaming. If a user has a slow or intermittent internet connection, e.g. mobile broadband, a computer lab with a shared connection, or just a poor service, stuttering/buffering can be a showstopper whereas with progressive download, the whole file is being downloaded in the background and all the user has to do is pause the video for a while and then resume playback.

The two main reasons for using RTMP streaming are #1 for digital rights management, i.e. to deter users from saving local copies of your video content, and #2 to allow users to scrub through long videos without having to wait for the video file to have downloaded to that point.

For an RTMP service, you could try Bits on the Run: which is particularly easy to use. Another popular option is Brightcove: There are many other RTMP streaming server services available and they almost all use either Flash Media Server (Java-like) or Red 5 media server (Java). Running your own media server would require a skilled, experienced developer, a dedicated Java server, and cost far more than using a 3rd party service.

I hope this helps!

Ca răspuns la Matt Bury

Re: Video streaming solutions

de către David Olson-


My partner and I have a low cost - sub .10 per gig on a pay as you go setup with no minimums video streaming solution where we stream 10 to 20 terrabytes a month.  The CDN is a global CDN with thousands of servers.  We see a need in the education world for hosting and serving securely but because our services are mostly rtmp we are challenged to deliver the HLS or http link.  We are building a solution to resolve this but really need to understand how to better serve the moodle platform.  

So it is not a question of services but more a question of how do we build well for the moodle audience.  What are the specifics needs etc.

You pointed out the major reason for our desire to stay within the rtmp stream - theft of materials.  Progressive downloading allows for the program to remain resident on the local harddrive.  With rights being an issue for content providers the majority of our users opt for the rtmp service.

By the way, I have not advertised our service in this forum as I think it would detract from open and honest conversations.


Ca răspuns la David Olson

Re: Video streaming solutions

de către Matt Bury-
Fotografia lui Particularly helpful Moodlers Fotografia lui Plugin developers

Hi David,

In terms of DRM, I think RTMP streaming creates as many problems as it solves. It only deters the least tech savvy of would be downloaders since there are so many convenient and effective content download plugins available for browsers that can circumvent most, if not all, of the usual DRM measures. The other issue is, as I've already mentioned, RTMP playback can be problematic for some users which encourage them to find other means of viewing the videos in question such as stream capture, downloading and even illegal torrents in some cases.

If someone can view your video, they can probably save a copy of the file locally too. Are we just making life more complicated and difficult for legitimate learners?

Ca răspuns la Matt Bury

Re: Video streaming solutions

de către David Olson-

I understand your concerns and that is why we are building an http service that will deliver HLS services.  We feel that there is a number issues as we work with html5 services and ios delivery.  That service is on Amazon S3 as well as live through Amazon live streaming.  



Ca răspuns la David Olson

Re: Video streaming solutions

de către Fred Woolard-

If I understand your question, you're not so interested in finding a streaming provider as you are finding a way to play the media in your courses, correct?

There is an RTMP streaming media filter available in the plugins db: It uses the Flowplayer rtmp plugin.

If you're using a Red5 server, then there may be some issues with the way the media is encoded--see the discussion for contact info:


Ca răspuns la Fred Woolard

Re: Video streaming solutions

de către David Olson-


Downloaded the plugin and will give it a shot to see how well it interacts with our services.


Ca răspuns la Fred Woolard

Re: Video streaming solutions

de către David Olson-

I guess as a wordpress editor I can see where the plugins go but there isn't a subdirectory for plugins in moodle.  I want to put the media plugin you support Fred into the right location and I am getting an error message.  Any help here?


Ca răspuns la David Olson

Re: Video streaming solutions

de către Fred Woolard-


For reference, add'l documentation here.

Short answer, extract the contents of the .zip file into the filter/ sub-directory, which is one of those in the root of the Moodle installation. When finished, you'll have {moodleroot/filter/rtmp.

Also, make sure you have the version appropriate .zip file, as there are different Flowplayer files referenced between Moodle 2.3 and 2.4

Ca răspuns la Fred Woolard

Re: Video streaming solutions

de către David Olson-

I did the install and the updates to the system.  The project is there but when I paste in the URL for the video it just shows the Q from quicktime as the window - it doesn't put a window with a skin on it.  The video doesn't play.  I have flowplayer 3.2.12swf and so it should work with my version of moodle.  Any suggestions - I know it is probably something simple but hey you are the boss and I figure I should ask you.  Sorry to keep bothering you with this but if this works out then we have a low cost tool available for video streaming that is based only on what the school uses not an arbitrary limit or monthly commit.


The URL I pasted was: rtmp://

Is there anything else needed in the item?  I could paste an embed code for the whole thing but this seems to be so much easier.

Ca răspuns la David Olson

Re: Video streaming solutions

de către Fred Woolard-

Did you enable the filter plugin?
System administration->Plugins->Filters->Manage filters

The presence of the quicktime player tells me that the core_mediaplugin (Multimedia plugin) filter is at work, which it shouldn't be because Moodle doesn't consider the rtmp protocol (scheme) valid just yet.

You may need to re-order the filters so that the rtmp filter is above Multimedia, but normally that shouldn't be required.

When you say you have flowplayer 3.2.12swf, and therefore it should work with your version of Moodle, it makes me wonder if you're piecing things together. The file you're mentioning came from the plugin, yes?

This filter will work with Moodle 2.3 and Moodle 2.4, nothing else (without some editing).
Between the Moodle files, and the plugin files, all the required Flowplayer files are already there. The plugin supplies flowplayer.rtmp-3.2.12.swf, the plain ol' .swf comes from Moodle's lib/flowplayer directory.

Most likely culprit at this point is that the plugin is not yet enabled. Lemme know if that's the case.

Ca răspuns la Fred Woolard

Re: Video streaming solutions

de către David Olson-

It wasn't enabled thanks for that tip.  It is enabled and I verified the location etc.  But the Q is still there and no skin.  I installed the whole directory by dragging and dropping it.  By the way, I am a Mac person and all I doing Iam doing on a mac.  Does it matter?

Tried using the plugin with the firefox service and it didn't even recognize that it was installed by way of activity but it showed up in the plugin filters.  So it is a no go on firefox. bummer.


Ca răspuns la David Olson

Re: Video streaming solutions

de către Fred Woolard-

Can't say whether running on a Mac is a factor or not. My best suggestion at this point is for you to read the thread I referenced earlier to see what the work-through steps are to problem solve the issue. The comments on the plugin's page will also show some things to check.

I'm still curious as to why the core_mediaplugin filter is picking up on your link. What does the HTML markup look like for that span tag? Have you verified that the link in the rendered output is indeed an rtmp:// link? Since Moodle does not include rtmp in it's list of valid protocols, when an rtmp link is vàlidated, and the validation fails, the Multimedia filter should pass leave it alone. On the other hand, if the link begins with http://, then it will be picked up by the Multimedia filter, which is not what you want to happen. You can check by looking at the page source; there's a browser option for that--usually right-clicking (or the Mac equivalent) on the page.

The Flowplayer rtmp plugin uses the Adobe Flash plugin, so keep that in mind. No Flash plugin in the browser, no joy.

Verify that all the files, each one, in the .zip file you dowloaded are installed in the filter/rtmp directory. 

Again, I can't speak to Mac issues having little experience with them, but the Flowplayer rtmp plugin does work with IE,FF,Chrome on Windows, and FF on Linux.

Hope this helps.

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Ca răspuns la Fred Woolard

Re: Video streaming solutions

de către David Olson-

Here is the source code for what is on the page - the file is a true mp4 file with a true rtmp:// access from an adobe server on the Internap CDN.  it is using the media plugin and not the rtmp plugin.  I turned "off but available" the media plugin just now and restarted the service and still had this response.   Any suggestions on how to get the rtmp plugin to fire?  I am using Moodle 2.4 and a side by side comparison of the ftp upload and the files on the server is identical.  

class="resourcecontent"><span class="mediaplugin mediaplugin_qt">
  <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B"
  codebase="" width="400" height="315">
  <param name="pluginspage" value="" />
  <param name="src" value="rtmp://" />
  <param name="controller" value="true" />
  <param name="loop" value="true" />
  <param name="autoplay" value="false" />
  <param name="autostart" value="false" />
  <param name="scale" value="aspect" />
  <!--[if !IE]>-->
  <object data="rtmp://" type="video/mp4" width="400" height="315">
  <param name="src" value="rtmp://" />
  <param name="pluginurl" value="" />
  <param name="controller" value="true" />
  <param name="loop" value="true" />
  <param name="autoplay" value="false" />
  <param name="autostart" value="false" />
  <param name="scale" value="aspect" />
  <span class="mediaplugin mediaplugin_html5video">
  <video controls="true" width="400" preload="metadata" title="video">
  <source src="rtmp://" type="video/mp4"></source>
  <a class="mediafallbacklink" href="rtmp://">goal.mp4</a>
Ca răspuns la David Olson

Re: Video streaming solutions

de către Fred Woolard-


I notice the "resourcecontent" class in the incomplete tag at the start. How did you embed the rtmp link? Did you add a "URL" resource to the course topic or section? And since you're using a Mac, it's only natural that you'd be using Safari, right?

If this is the case, try this: delete the URL resource. Create a new resource, but this time select "Page" and when you click the 'Add' button, there will be fields for Name, Description, and Content. Give it name, and in the Content (it should be the tinymce wysiwyg editor), type "goal.mp4" or someother simple text. Select/highlight the text you just typed and click the little picture of chain link (Insert/edit link) button. A dialog box will appear, the first field is 'Link url'. Type or copy/paste the rtmp URL into that field, click the 'Insert' button.

If you click on the 'HTML' button (lower right group of buttons) of the editor, you should see this:

<p><a href="rtmp://rtmp://">goal.mp4</a><p>

Save and display your Page resource. Lemme know what you see.

Ca răspuns la Fred Woolard

Re: Video streaming solutions

de către David Olson-

I saw exactly what you said I would see but then the video said:  netstream.streamnotfound.

I play that on everyother resource and it is found and on 3 websites in three different browsers and it is still found.  Is there something in the moodle config that prevents the stream from being obtained?


Ca răspuns la David Olson

Re: Video streaming solutions

de către Fred Woolard-

Now that you have the filter actually applying the Flowplayer to that span, now let's address the connection.

From the threads I've referenced earlier, the Cloudfront service requires the URL be split up a little differently than when accessing plain ol' FMS. Does your provider, despite it not being Cloudfront, have the same situation? Refer to any documentation that your provider may have.

If you think they provision similarly to Cloudfront, then append '?provider=acf' to the URL, and the filter will adjust the netConnectionURL and clip URL properties accordingly.