Dragmath equation editor inserts number of blank lines before it appears

Re: Dragmath equation editor inserts number of blank lines before it appears

von Mauno Korpelainen -
Anzahl Antworten: 7

What renderer are you using? Tex filter or MathJax?

MathJax has two output formats - inlineMath and displayMath. Everything inside displayMath-delimiters goes to a new line and everything inside inlineMath-delimiters goes inline (to the same line). So if you are using MathJax check the delimiters...

Like this

If you are using tex filter each tex image has a class "texrender" and from core themes only standard theme and splash theme have the necessary css for displaying mathematical notations inline centered. If your theme does not have this css, you can add it to one of your custom theme css files

.texrender {

Als Antwort auf Mauno Korpelainen

Re: Dragmath equation editor inserts number of blank lines before it appears

von Ashok Harnal -

Many thanks for coming to help. I am using tex filter. Where will I find custom css file to which to add the above code. Kindly let me know.


Als Antwort auf Ashok Harnal

Re: Dragmath equation editor inserts number of blank lines before it appears

von Mauno Korpelainen -

In your moodle folder /theme/"nameofyourtheme"/style/

Editor.css is used only for editor content area, usually moodle 2 themes have there files like core.css ... and you may need to purge all caches from Site administration > Development > Purge all caches to make moodle use new css.

Als Antwort auf Mauno Korpelainen

Re: Dragmath equation editor inserts number of blank lines before it appears

von Ashok Harnal -

I am using Standard theme of Moodle and I have checked the core.css. It does contain the .texrender line. Do I have to insert the above lines in other css files under style folder for standard theme? Nevertheless, I purged all cache. However, still I get a lot number of blank rows before any equation. Sorry bothering.

Als Antwort auf Ashok Harnal

Re: Dragmath equation editor inserts number of blank lines before it appears

von Mauno Korpelainen -

Then it's caused by something else - no need to add that css.

What preview window is it? Quiz/some question type/some activity?

Do you have any custom plugins ( 3rd party blocks etc ) installed? Sometimes different 3rd party activities use the same css classes for different things...

Als Antwort auf Mauno Korpelainen

Re: Dragmath equation editor inserts number of blank lines before it appears

von Ashok Harnal -

Thanks for reply. I am using Dragmath in 'Lesson' window. The only third-party plugin I am using presently is moosh.

Als Antwort auf Ashok Harnal

Re: Dragmath equation editor inserts number of blank lines before it appears

von Ashok Harnal -

I have installed moodle on Fedora 17. I do not know if the problem of equation display right at the bottom relates to some other file not directly connected with moodle.

On CentOS 6 the same thing is working well.

Is there any other easier way to install some other equation editor if not dragmath? I will be grateful for response.

Als Antwort auf Ashok Harnal

Re: Dragmath equation editor inserts number of blank lines before it appears

von Ashok Harnal -

Finally I downloaded MPlugA, installed it as given in here. And then, wrote additional html as given here and here (a mix as $$ delimiter is absent under Advanced Math tool script.). Incidentally so far as filters are concerned, Tex and Algbera are disabled. So are GeoGebra and JSXGraph. Math, MAthML and Mathtran are off but available (Maybe I can disable them also). I am not using TinyMath. Except probably now I am displaying using MathJaX and instead of linking to an external site by downloading MPlugA, I have installed the necessary scripts on my machine.

Thanks for your great package.