Idea for improved video player resource

Idea for improved video player resource

od Nick Bair -
Število odgovorov: 0

Those of you who know about HTML5 video know that the currently prevailing best practice for embedded video calls for three formats to be included in the <video> object: MP4, WebM, and OGG. Of course, some folks would argue that MP4 and WebM are enough. Still others would insist that FLV should be provided as well, if only as a fallback. Regardless of your opinion, it is clear that multiple formats are necessary in order to do web video correctly.

Right now, Moodle does a good job supporting multiple formats, but unfortunately not for the frontend user. In fact, AFAIK, there is no way for a user to create an audio/video resource with multiple formats, without writing PHP code.

The current file selection dialog allows users to upload or add files from a repository. It also supports multiple files. I would like to create a plugin, based on the file resource type, where the user could add different media formats to the file selection dialog, and the plugin would figure out which formats are available and generate the appropriate HTML code to display them.

I have the HTML, JavaScript, and PHP experience to pull this off, but I can't find good documentation on the file activity or how I might use it as a base for my own plugin. Could someone direct me to the appropriate place(s)?


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