How to find more bugs while testing

How to find more bugs while testing

Tim Hunt གིས-
Number of replies: 3
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Following an embarassing bug that has been around since Moodle 2.1, and which no amout of testing has found until some poor user hit it, I wanted to pass on the following tip. When testing, and when you are inputting some text (e.g. a forum post, or answering an essay or shortanswer question, try to include all the tricky things that might cause Moodle to break, for example:

< > & &lt; &gt; &amp; ' " \ \' \" \\ 日本語 % %% $@NULL@$ @@TEST@@

Some things that are there:

  • Characters that have special meaning in HTML.
  • The escaped equivalents of those.
  • Single and double quote characters, and backslashes.
  • Back-slash escaped versionso of those.
  • Unicode characters outside the usual ASCII range. (That is Japan in Japanese.)
  • Various other characters that occasionally get used with special meantings.

Hopefully automated testing will start to do this too. See MDL-37858.

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