tinymce and language files

tinymce and language files

von Aharon Ben-Shemer -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

I have seen lots of postings about the problem getting the langauge file to load for en_us, but my issue might be different so I post this here,

I am using Moodle 2.3.2 trying to add a tinymce control to a setting page for a new plugin i am working on. The editor works when i add a new admin_setting_confightmleditor class to the settings page-- excep that I see the "advanced.fontdefault" and similar strings. The current language is en_us. If I edit tinymce lib.php file to force langauge to 'en' then indeed it works ok. But i cannot rely on that hack. I copied the lnguage directory for tinymce to create one called 'en_us'-- but it just didn't help. (I did remember to kill the cached lang files.) Can I add something to my plugin  code to get the language strings to load from some lang file in my plugin, if it cannot find the lang file of tinymce? What is the solution for this?
