Quiz Marks by section

Quiz Marks by section

ankit mittal -
Atsakymų skaičius: 0

I am trying to get total marks obtained by a particular user, for a particular course for all the sections of that course.

The following query works and gives correct results with mysql, but not with Databse API calls

$sql = "SELECT d.section as section_id,d.name as section_name, sum(a.sumgrades) AS marks FROM mdl_quiz_attempts a, mdl_quiz b, mdl_course_modules c, mdl_course_sections d WHERE a.userid=6 AND b.course=4 AND a.quiz=b.id AND c.instance=a.quiz AND c.module=14 AND a.sumgrades>0 AND d.id=c.section GROUP BY d.section"

I tried different API calls, mainly I would want 


The results from API calls are meaningless. Any suggestion?

PS : This is moodle 2.2.

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