Mathjax problems with quiz activity

Re: Απάντηση: Re: Απάντηση: Re: Mathjax problems with quiz activity

de către Gunnar Restorff-
Număr de răspunsuri: 1


Did you ever manage to find a solution. I have the same problem, and I have no idea how to solve it. The rendering is quite different in Firefox than Chromium but both are quite incorrect.

This is really a problem for me, because I am going to use this as an online exam in two weeks. To enable TeX filter is a very bad idea for me because then there are many, many question bank that wont work anymore. I just found out of this yesterday, and it is driving my crazy (I had all my focus on ensuring that the questions and options were correct displayed - I never thought that I would need to check whether the feedback alsi was correct)

Please help, somebody surâs


Best regards,


Ca răspuns la Gunnar Restorff

Re: Απάντηση: Re: Απάντηση: Re: Mathjax problems with quiz activity

de către Gunnar Restorff-

UPDATE: I have filed this as bug MDL-37845 (

Preliminary workaround: If I in "question/type/multichoice/styles.css" remove/comment out the code

.que.multichoice .feedback .rightanswer

and add the code

.que.multichoice .feedback .rightanswer

then it works fine. - But of course then the right answer will start one line under 'Correct answer:' - but that is a minor issue for me.