IE 9 will only print first page

IE 9 will only print first page

by Gary Lyon -
Number of replies: 19

System Configuration:

  • Moodle version 2.2.3
  • CentOS
  • Apache 2.2.15
  • PHP 5.3.3
  • Oracle 11


IE 9 users can only print first page of any page presented by Moodle (see attached .gif of print preview from IE9).

I have tested and verified the problem (my IE v9.0.8112 )and verified that printing from Firefox (v14.01) and Chrome (v21.0.1180.79m) work fine.

I've searched the site and have seen (very) early references to this problem, but no definitive answer.

Anyone else experienced this or can refer me to something I've missed.

For those who advise to have users change to another browser, unfortunately organizational policies may prevent this.

Many thanks for any feedback.

Attachment IE9 print problem.gif
Average of ratings: -
In reply to Gary Lyon

Re: IE 9 will only print first page

by Mary Evans -

Which theme?

In reply to Mary Evans

Re: IE 9 will only print first page

by Gary Lyon -

Mary, my apologies for not including that.


I also forgot to note that I tested printing on other web sites and did not have any problems with IE 9.

Thanks again.

In reply to Gary Lyon

Re: IE 9 will only print first page

by Mary Evans -

In that case can you report this in Moodle Tracker? I can get it tested and fixed if it's a Moodle BUG.




In reply to Mary Evans

Re: IE 9 will only print first page

by Gary Lyon -

Done... MDL-34919
Thanks for the help.


In reply to Gary Lyon

Re: IE 9 will only print first page

by Mary Evans -

Hi Gary,

I thought you said Formal White theme?  Have you tested it in other themes as this is important. I was presuming it was a Formal White problem.

Thanks for reporting it all the same.



In reply to Mary Evans

Re: IE 9 will only print first page

by Gary Lyon -

So far I've only found the issue in Formal White on our production site. My test environment is down until next week at which time I will test with other themes to see if I can narrow the field a bit.

In reply to Gary Lyon

Re: IE 9 will only print first page

by SpookieUkie Shmi -

We have the same issue here.

We are using Moodle 2.3, with the Splash Theme. We also tried the afterburner theme and brick theme and they all had issues as well.   We are using the questionairre 2.3 as well. (latest).  Any ideas 

In reply to SpookieUkie Shmi

Re: IE 9 will only print first page

by Mary Evans -

This is an IE Bug and nothing to do with Moodle.

Checkout this page...

In reply to Mary Evans

Re: IE 9 will only print first page

by SpookieUkie Shmi -

I would disagree with that assesment as this is more geared to IE5 and written five years ago. Futhermore, not every site has this issue. 

If I go to other websites, such as or, they all print properly. Interesting that does not print properly. I wonder if its something with how content it layed out.

I am up for ideas as I am sure I am not the only one running into this issue



In reply to SpookieUkie Shmi

Re: IE 9 will only print first page

by Mary Evans -

I'll see what I can do. I have a theme that is not built the same way as normal Moodle Themes are, and will test that and see if there is any difference. I hope I succeed as this will be proof that the general layout is wrong.

Wish me luck! smile

In reply to SpookieUkie Shmi

Re: IE 9 will only print first page

by Mary Evans -

I think you could be right, however I was using Moodle 2.0.3 which is not supported now, but I did manage to print off 4 pages of a report, so it is more to do with layout as you say. If it's not a layout problem then it is a regression.

I'll reopen the MDL-34919 and see if I can get someone to look at this.

Thanks for bringing this to my notice again!



In reply to Mary Evans

Re: IE 9 will only print first page

by SpookieUkie Shmi -

Hi Mary, thanks for reopening the issue. I am checking to see any undocumented progress has been made on resolving it. I did see the comments on the bugs a couple week ago


In reply to Mary Evans

Re: IE 9 will only print first page

by Irfan Ali -

Hi Mary,

We have the same problem in IE-9. It works fine in Chrome.

Theme : AARDVARK POST-IT, Moodle : 2.2 

In reply to Irfan Ali

Re: IE 9 will only print first page

by Dominic Bath -

I am experiencing the same with IE9. Chrome is fine. IE8 is fine.

Occurred when recently upgrading from moodle 1.9 to 2.6, Could print without problem in 1.9 After the upgrade, the theme was set to formal white. In 2.6 only the first page is previewed/printed

After research on general issuew with IE9 printing, I tried using the formal white Custom css to add    body{overflow: visible;}  this didn't change anything.

Workaround (for each individual window) is to use IE developer tools (F12) to set Document mode to Internet Explorer 8, then preview/print is fine.


In reply to Dominic Bath

Re: IE 9 will only print first page

by Gareth J Barnard -
Wužiwarjo-wobraz wo Core developers Wužiwarjo-wobraz wo Particularly helpful Moodlers Wužiwarjo-wobraz wo Plugin developers

Does the problem happen in IE10+? As IE8 is not officially supported in M2.6 ->

In reply to Gareth J Barnard

Re: IE 9 will only print first page

by Dominic Bath -

Just installed IE10 and it is still not printing/previewing after the first page.

The workaround using Document mode IE8 when in IE9, doesn't work with IE10, whatever Browser mode or document mode combinations are selected.