File Picker from HTML editor

File Picker from HTML editor

Napisane bez: William Mair ()
Liczba ôdpowiedzi: 0


I am finishing off an upgrade to the accordion plugin from 1.9 ( to 2.3.

When I create a new or edit an existing Accordion instance, the HTML editor comes up as expected and I can click on everything as expected.

However, when I try to add an image or media, although I get a file picker box coming up, there is no "Find or upload an image" or "Find or upload a sound, video or applet" box/button to actually add anything.

Judging by other plugins I've looked at, $this->add_intro_editor(true, get_string('accordcontent', 'accordion')); in mod_form.php should cover it, but doesn't seem to make any difference.

Can anyone/someone please advise where to go next? Is there somewhere specific I need to declare for/to? Any code sections youd like me to include to see what's happening?

Thanks in advance

Bajlaga ($a)