Manual Enrollment Search

Manual Enrollment Search

romuald lorthioir -
Кількість відповідей: 2

Is there a project to modify manual teachers and students enrollment with search functions ?

For now, you can search on firstname or lastname. But with my 30000 students it's not easy to affect one by one people to a course.

So i would like to have filters on department, id number, ... And choose the number of users display on the screen.

Is this in the roadMap or not. If not i think it should be and i'll see if i can do something !


У відповідь на romuald lorthioir

Re: Manual Enrollment Search

Martín Langhoff -
As you say, the user and course management is tricky with thousands of users under 1.4 (it can crash mozilla-based browsers, even, try 90K users). We added a "search" box to the enrol students page when there are more than a few hundred. The code is in 1.5, feel free to refine it -- though I'd wait for 1.5 to branch. It should be easy to backport, we are running it on 1.4 as well.

I don't think there's a definite "project" but we are making small enhancements to the user's search & management bit by bit -- both in the course->participants page and the admin->users page. As anywhere else, as Moodle breaks ground in large-scale installations, there are new itches to scratch усміхаюсь