longdiv with tex live caution....

longdiv with tex live caution....

von Marc Grober -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

Teachers in the US trying to teach math online continue to fight the fact that it is not all that easy to show long or polynomial division (see, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_division for a brief discussion of the differences and http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=122388&mode=3 for the most recent discussion here on Moodle forums.)   [yes, the need to be able to construct long division problems was mentioned to Chris and Alex and hopefully we will see that addressed in future, as this is needed to also address polynomial division.]

For those wishing to use polynom.sty  and the longdiv.tex, which are both included in the TeX Live Distribitution and can be added to your Moodle TeX implementation by using the preamble option, this is a brief warning.  While the Tex Live Utility identifies polynum as a package (which can be referenced in the preamble using \usepackage{polynom} ), use of longdiv can be a bit more problematic.  longdiv.tex is included in a genmisc zip file,  not in an sty package,  and though the tex live utility may suggest that longdiv is in genmisc.sty,  in fact there is no such package.  However, longdiv IS included in the dstribution, but you must reference it in the preamble with \input{longdiv} which will reference longdiv.tex