Error writing to database

Re: Error writing to database

per Luna Llena -
Nombre de respostes: 1

I am using Moodle 2.6 and I didn't have any problem with cron until today that shows "error writing to database". I do not what to do because I checked


and the values are the same I used in  development and I do not have any problem in that Moodle.

En resposta a Luna Llena

Re: Error writing to database

per Guillermo Madero -

Hi Luna,

Development and Production values should be different, that's precisely why PHP includes two templates:

  • php.ini-development
  • php.ini-production

You need to set up your production server as a production server.


Anyway, given the "until today" part, you also need to check and see what did you, or any other admin, changed, either in the server (software/hardware), the configuration files or within Moodle. There's always a reason from "sudden" problems.

Enable Debugging and also check the web server error log.