Moodle Photo Gallery?

Moodle Photo Gallery?

by Eric blank -
Number of replies: 29
Is their some sort of add-on to moodle so that you can have a photo gallery on the site? If not, their should be.
Average of ratings: -
In reply to Eric blank

Re: Moodle Photo Gallery?

by Sean S -
There isn't one yet. Hopefully soon. However many moodle users use Gallery or Coppermine and just link to it from thier moodle installation.
In reply to Sean S

Re: Moodle Photo Gallery?

by Shane Elliott -
Piksa bilong Core developers Piksa bilong Plugin developers
And there's always the very simple-to-use PhotoFrame written by the Moodle Master himself.

You can always create a resource link to an external page and place it within a frame to keep the moodle navigation and header.
In reply to Shane Elliott

Re: Moodle Photo Gallery?

by Art Lader -
In reply to Art Lader

Vast: Re: Moodle Photo Gallery?

by lasse utti -
Are you using moodle's isadmin, isteacher functions when you set up photoframe ???
I read original source and did not noticed any moodle functions to control uploading etc. .... so you have modified the code smile ... can you put the code zipped here.


In reply to Eric blank

Re: Moodle Photo Gallery?

by Mark Stevens -
Hi Eric,

I use the glossary for this.  It works well, allowing comments, ratings, and a quick search capability.  Sometimes I also use iPhoto to export a bunch of pictures if I just wanted them viewable.  (iPhoto has export to web, and so do lots of other photo managers).  Then I zip that folder, upload it to my files area, unzip and create a resource to display them.
In reply to Eric blank

Re: Moodle Photo Gallery?

by Martin Dougiamas -
Piksa bilong Core developers Piksa bilong Documentation writers Piksa bilong Moodle HQ Piksa bilong Particularly helpful Moodlers Piksa bilong Plugin developers Piksa bilong Testers
The Database module in 1.6 will also allow galleries.
In reply to Martin Dougiamas

Re: Moodle Photo Gallery?

by Genner Cerna -
you could try to Gallery 2, that allow embeding to any cms.
In reply to Genner Cerna

Re: Moodle Photo Gallery?

by Sean S -
Gallery 2 is still in beta testing. Though gallery 1.4.6 is a very powerful system, which I am using with my moodle and on a personal family site (1500+ pictures)
In reply to Sean S

Re: Moodle Photo Gallery?

by Ger Tielemans -

There is  a modul called gallery from. We used it in 1.3.1+ and 1.4.3.

Our teachers like it:  you drop jpg's in a dir, the module makes thumbnails of it and it is running. (make the size of your original pictures the size that fits in the frame.) 

One minor point: missing navigationbar. 

In reply to Ger Tielemans

Re: Moodle Photo Gallery?

by Genner Cerna -
gallery 2 has officially released its version, user can create thier own gallery when login in moodle once it it embeded... you can see embed it using the embed.php file located in gallery 2.
In reply to Genner Cerna

Re: Moodle Photo Gallery?

by Sean S -
Well I just looked at the gallery page and I see Gallery 2 Beta 1 is released currently - not the final version. That's good news, but it isn't a full release. Though I am very keen to see someone take advantage of the integration possibilities as indicated by the thread linked in another post here.

Attachment gallery.gif
In reply to Ger Tielemans

Re: Moodle Photo Gallery?

by Herman van Keulen -
Hello Ger,
You installed the gallerymodule in version 1.4.3
Is this possible in version 1.5 ?

In reply to Herman van Keulen

Re: Moodle Photo Gallery?

by Ger Tielemans -

Hello Herman, Good Easter to you.

Well I did not try it, we live in 1.4.4 and I only run a CVS clean demo on my laptop. 

In reply to Ger Tielemans

Re: Moodle Photo Gallery?

by Scott Krajewski -
I've added a top frame to the old gallery module.  The attached files -- a new frameset and a top.php file provide a standard header look.  You might want to adjust the top frame size for your header size.

It's my first moodle php creation, so it might be a bit sloppy.  My apologizes.


In reply to Scott Krajewski

Re: Moodle Photo Gallery?

by koen roggemans -
Piksa bilong Core developers Piksa bilong Documentation writers Piksa bilong Moodle HQ Piksa bilong Particularly helpful Moodlers Piksa bilong Plugin developers Piksa bilong Translators
I just installed it too. Works great. To me a canditate for the downloadpage
Great for a very quick gallery of class events
In reply to koen roggemans

Re: Moodle Photo Gallery?

by Herman van Keulen -

I installed this module but I get the next error:

Module gallery_v1: d:\program files\easyphp1-7\www\moodle/mod/gallery_v1/version.php was not readable

What's going wrong?

In reply to Herman van Keulen

Re: Moodle Photo Gallery?

by Jan Dierckx -

The directory 'gallery_v1' contains a directory 'gallery'.
It's that one that should end up in your 'moodle/mod' directory.

In reply to Jan Dierckx

Re: Moodle Photo Gallery?

by Herman van Keulen -

Hallo Jan

Thanks for your help!
It's running perfectly: it's great.

Is this module safe enough to install it at my production server?

In reply to Herman van Keulen

Re: Moodle Photo Gallery?

by koen roggemans -
Piksa bilong Core developers Piksa bilong Documentation writers Piksa bilong Moodle HQ Piksa bilong Particularly helpful Moodlers Piksa bilong Plugin developers Piksa bilong Translators
I run it on a productionserver, but please don't take me as a reference blauw oog

As far as I can see, the module uses it's own table. The module produces frames, but if you know your public and frames are no problem, why not?

I don't know how it will behave on 1.5
In reply to Scott Krajewski

Re: Moodle Photo Gallery?

by Mike Churchward -
Piksa bilong Core developers Piksa bilong Plugin developers Piksa bilong Testers

I haven't tried this as of yet. Is it implemented as a Moodle module that can be installed in a course?

In reply to Mike Churchward

Re: Moodle Photo Gallery?

by Jan Dierckx -
Yes, and that's about as far as I got: embedding the original code from Martin's PhotoFrame inside a Moodle module.
Unfortunately a lot of stuff is still missing. I wrote it during the summer holidays while learning php.
I once started completely rewriting it (it used a text file to store comments and captions, so all of that had to be rewritten anyway) but then it dropped on my todo-list, because my school is no longer hosting a photogallery (lack of server space).

I really think it would be better to wait for Moodle 1.6. The datamodule (maybe with a separate gallery template) would allow for metadata to  be posted along with the picture.
In reply to Eric blank

Re: Moodle Photo Gallery?

by Martyn Overy -

We have separate galleries hosted elsewhere. Moodle forms a part of the learning environment, and it was never our intention to 'force' entry into Moodle to obtain every single educational resource!  All links derive from our portals at and . This is usually the first point of call for all students. Appropriate links to these resources, opened in new windows, are available from the Moodle sites.

Putting all your 'educational' eggs into one basket might appear to be fantastic and a convenient solution..but at what cost to the size and operational  requirements for this wonderful resource?  If the site ever goes down...then the whole collection of resources goes down...period. At least with a number of resources hosted elsewhere, there are alternative online options available for both teachers and students.

In reply to Eric blank

Re: Moodle Photo Gallery?

by Mike Churchward -
Piksa bilong Core developers Piksa bilong Plugin developers Piksa bilong Testers
I've been toying with a way of reworking the forum module to be used as a photo gallery. I've built a proof of concept, but it still needs work.

See my post in the 'forum module' forum.

In reply to Eric blank

Moodle Gallery 2 integration

by Paul Daniels -
Here are some scripts I use that create a user in Gallery 2 when a Moodle user is created. Also works with bulk user upload and user password changes. Very rough at this point.