Moodle 2.2 Rubric - Use in multiple activities??

Moodle 2.2 Rubric - Use in multiple activities??

de Bo Clarke -
Número de respuestas: 11

I created a rubric for a Single File upload, but I want to use it in another Assignment (Adv Upld of Files), how do I do this and NOT share it. 

I just want to use it in my course, in the Assignment Modules...from what I understand this is the only place that you can use the rubric currently.  Any help would be very much appreciated!  sonrisa

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En respuesta a Bo Clarke

Re: Moodle 2.2 Rubric - Use in multiple activities??

de S. kavita -
Imagen de Testers

Hello Bo Clarke

When you have created a rubric for a single file upload then you have to publish it as a template then only you will be able to use it in another assignments.

I have attached a screenshot of the page.

When you publish the created rubric as template then in another assignment click on the Advance Grading link which you will find under

Assignment administration>Advance Grading.

Then choose "Create new grading form from template" . After clicking on the "Create new grading form from template" , click on "Use this template" tab.

Finally you will be able to use your already created rubric in new assignments.

Happy Moodling

Adjunto rubric.png
En respuesta a S. kavita

Re: Moodle 2.2 Rubric - Use in multiple activities??

de Bo Clarke -

If I publish the form as a new template it is avaialble for everyone else on their course pages.  I need to know how to re-use a template without sharing it across the board.

When I create the rubric, I can't use it in other assignment activities unless I publish it, but when I do it is available to everyone and some of our instructors won't want to make all rubrics available.

En respuesta a Bo Clarke

Re: Moodle 2.2 Rubric - Use in multiple activities??

de Rob Monk -

Disappointing your instructors are reluctant to share Bo. 

We have the opposite but related problem. Our staff are loving the Rubrics.  Every time they make one they save it as a template. We're already up to 35 templates and mine are starting to get hard to find among the others. Within weeks we'll have over a hundred. 

Some thought needs to be given to a way of organizing the saving and sharing of rubric templates. At the moment I can't seem to find how to do that. 

Is there a way I can organize Rubric templates on our site ?

En respuesta a Bo Clarke

Re: Moodle 2.2 Rubric - Use in multiple activities??

de S. kavita -
Imagen de Testers

Hi Bo,

Sorry but as i have understood  in your first post you have asked for a method in which you want to share created rubric in another assignment, so i have suggested you the following method.

Marina is right. You can use your created rubric without sharing by the method suggested by Marina

En respuesta a S. kavita

Re: Moodle 2.2 Rubric - Use in multiple activities??

de Wendy Bass -
I am not getting the option to publish the form as a new template. I only have the first two options (Edit the current form definition and Delete the currently defined form). Is this something I need to set up from an admin level to allow publishing as a template? If so, where would I go to set this up? I am the administrator for my college and would like to enable this for my faculty. Thanks for any help sonrisa
En respuesta a Bo Clarke

Re: Moodle 2.2 Rubric - Use in multiple activities??

de Marina Glancy -
Imagen de Core developers Imagen de Moodle HQ Imagen de Moodle Workplace team Imagen de Peer reviewers Imagen de Plugin developers Imagen de Testers

Bo Clarke: When you click 'Create a grading form from a template' please note the search box on top. Check 'include my own forms' and click 'Search' (even without any text in search box). You will also be able to re-use any of all your own forms even if they are not shared.

Bob Monk: There is no way to organize templates at the moment. What I can suggest you is to use Search as well. Also there is a permission to share templates (moodle/grade:sharegradingforms), remove it from the basic Teacher role and give only to trusted teachers. Suggest other teachers to use Search to re-use their own rubrics

En respuesta a Marina Glancy

Re: Moodle 2.2 Rubric - Use in multiple activities??

de Bo Clarke -


Thank you for your response!  We will want to be able to manage how many Rubrics are in the templates to choose from so we have disabled the share as a template for teachers, only managers or administrators will be able to do this.  So it was important to be able to show the teachers how to re-use rubrics for their other assignments when needed and I just could not find it.

It would be great to have a Rubric Manager tool instead of having to search for it, but hey, it works.  sonrisa  Thank you Marina!

En respuesta a Marina Glancy

Re: Moodle 2.2 Rubric - Use in multiple activities??

de Rob Houben -

Hi Marina,

Are there any development plans regarding organizing rubric templates?
Maybe the ability to tag them, and search by tag?

En respuesta a Rob Houben

Re: Moodle 2.2 Rubric - Use in multiple activities??

de Rob Monk -

Ahh it is always interesting to look at what you said 12 months ago.

We have set up the Rubric Sharer role and assigned all teachers to it at the system level.

Everyone can share their rubric templates. Wonderfully collaborative.


Fast forward 12 months.

Over 1000 shared rubric templates!!! No way of organizing them.

Slow load time when trying to find one.

Frustration when the search function does not just search the title of the rubric but also contents. (Practical is a commonly used word in rubrics)

There has to be a better way.

We like the idea of tagging and searching for tags.

There should be an option to search for titles only.

There should be an option to display just the title of the rubric in the search results so you don't have to scroll through the 20 rubrics your "search" has found.


Please Mr or Ms Moodle, rid us of this mess. I now head for the tracker to see if a feature request already exists.