dialogue wont work in grouped course

dialogue wont work in grouped course

'mei a Peter Voudantas - 'aho
Number of replies: 1

I have created dialogue in a course that is grouped, but when i enter the course as a student i cant open a dialogue.  When i click on open dialogue a messga appears saying that there are no people to begin dialogue with.  I have checked settings to student teacher.  I set it up in a course with no groups and it works very well, used same settings in my other course with no luck.  The only difference is that it has groups set up. Any ideas

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In reply to Peter Voudantas

Re: dialogue wont work in grouped course

'mei a Troy Williams - 'aho
Picture of Plugin developers

Hi Peter,

Sorry has taken so long to get to your post. Dialogue type only has three options; teacher to teacher, student to student or everybody. Can you please confirm what type of dialogue you have this activity setup as?

