

аз Bill Collis -
Number of replies: 5
I have been reading all these posts and from it I guess the thing I want is DMS.
I setup another copy of moodle and have added a few test users to it.
I found a copy of dms attached to one of the posts
I have installed this and that went ok as per the instructions.

what do I do now???

It doesn't appear as a module in moodle as far as I can see.
How do students/teachers actually use this??

for your experience
In reply to Bill Collis

Re: PleaseHelp

аз John Papaioannou -
Hi Bill,

Take a look at this and follow the instructions there. A couple of important points:
  1. I think that the original code has some typos in it: specifically, you should change the address of the link from



  2. The title appears as DMS because you need to add a line something like the following in your /lang/en/moodle.php:

    $string['DMS'] = 'Documents';

    or whatever you feel is the correct text for the link.


EDIT: Some weirdness going on with my answering the post and Bill deleting it in the meantime... posted again.
In reply to John Papaioannou

Re: PleaseHelp

аз Bill Collis -
Thanks Jon

After my dull moment I had discovered how to add the link from that other post.

As a summary of what I have done - which may help any other lost souls reading these posts

My goal is to create an upload/download area for students who transfer work between school and home. I specifically do not want it to be a file sharing area.

 I added the link for DMS to the courses list, and I specifically didn't want any guests to see the link.

In moodle/blocks/course_list/block_course_list.php after the line      
        $this->content->footer = '';

I added the following
        #Hack for dms
        if (!isguest()) {
            $this->content->items[] = '<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/dms/index.php?from=course&amp;id='.$this->course->id.'&amp;target=personal">'.get_string('DMS').'</a>';
            $this->content->icons[] = '<img src="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/dms/images/icon_newfolder.gif" height="16" width="16" alt="" />';

I also added $string['DMS'] = 'DMS'; to moodle/lang/en/moodle.php

I modified both dms/folder.php and dms/document.php by adding the test isadmin() around the line that displays the administration link.

               $options[] = $document->create_link(NULL, 'op=admin', '<img src="'.$settings->_httpRoot.'images/icon_admin.gif" alt="" class="menu" />'.Lang::get('administration'));

In dms/folder.php I have also hidden the search tab from all but the admin by

if(isadmin()) {
    $tabs['search'] = '<a href="search.php?folder='.$folder->getid().'">'.Lang::get('search').'</a>';

the above could be isteacher() for admin and teacher access

I note that a guest user can still find the dms by adding
dms/index.php?  to the url once they have guest access to the site.
However as Admin I changed the access rights for the guest account.
I didn't actually delete the guest account because it would be created again when/if I need to run /dms/setup.php to add more users.

These are the changes I have made so far, more to come especially with regard to the file types that can be uploaded.


In reply to John Papaioannou


аз Asif iqbal -
I've installed DMS & trying to configure it. I don't understand how to do it world writable
Thanks in Advance 
In reply to Asif iqbal

Re: PleaseHelp

аз Rene Louwers -

Hi Asif,

I use Coreftp to do that, but any other ftp program wil be able to chmod.

Need more info on using Coreftp, just mail me at . I'll be glad to help you.



In reply to Rene Louwers

Re: PleaseHelp

аз Asif iqbal -

The installation goes fine with no errors generated. I can also access the DMS.

In the DMS screen I can see the folders have been creted for each usre and can administer each of them.

My issue occus when I try to upload a file. I get the following error.

      1-Database Write Failed
There was a problem while trying to commit data to your database. Please check that it is functioning properly and retry.

2-error in constructing vanilla

At this point the entire DMS breaks and my folder menu will no longer fact it just dies completely.
