Grid format breaks course

Re: Grid format breaks course

od Carlos Sánchez Martín -
Število odgovorov: 0

Hello Julian,

Thank you for taking the time to update the grid format. After installing the latest version, all errors apparently disappear, which is good news!

On the other hand, links to pictures part of the "topic summary" still disappear (they become broken links) when switching from "topics format" to "grid format". Interesting to notice that if the picture is in a label, it does not disappear.

Last comment, after installing "grid format" I tried to restore a course, and I wasnt't able to do it, getting the following error:

"Restore method process_grid is missing. It must be defined by a developer."

I also printed a long "More information about this error: Stack trace & Output buffer" info. If you think that it could be helpful to look at it, I can send you all error lines printed.

Un saludo,