help files missing error in version in new version (2005021101)

help files missing error in version in new version (2005021101)

John Donaldson -
Erantzun kopurua: 2
I just installed version 2005021101 and when I was configuring a new questionnaire, I clicked several of the ? icons to get help about an item, and it returns a errors like Help file 'respondenteligible.html' could not be found!

The help files that could not be found are:

I looked in the directory mod/questionnaire/lang/en/help/questionnaire and all the help files listed above are in fact there. Some of the work, but the ones listed above can't be found for some reason, even though they are in the directory with the help files that do work.

I'm using OS X (10.3.8) with PHP5 and have register_long_arrays set to "On" as the install directions state.

Puntuazioen batez bestekoa: -
John Donaldson(e)ri erantzunda

Re: help files missing error in version in new version (2005021101)

Mike Churchward -
Core developers-ren irudia Plugin developers-ren irudia Testers-ren irudia
You may have to manually copy the help directory to your language directory. For example, if your language directory is the '/lang/en' directory, copy:
    '/mod/questionnaire/lang/en/help' to '/lang/en/'.
