Can no longer edit certificate activity

Can no longer edit certificate activity

Max Monclair發表於
Number of replies: 3

Hi all,

I have a certificate I'm working on, and I was trying to create a custom layout for it. I edited the ceritifcate.php file in the lang/en/ folder, added some additioanl strings, tinkered with the string attributes in the the certificate.php file in the type/mytype/ folder. Since it didn't look like my new strings were taking, I purged my cache. I had done this for other items and it was not a problem.

This time it was. The entire site went down for about 5 minutes, and when it came back up, I went straight back to my cert. I could view it (my changes still didn't take), but now, I cannot edit it, either by selecting the "edit" icon in the course view, or by selecting the Certificate administration>Edit settings link in my Settings block. I checked various other activities and found I could edit them as usual, but not the Certificate activity. I took a look through tables in the database that looked like they were associated with the Certificate activity to see if anything obvious jumped out at me, but couldn't.

My old cert I had generated was still there, and I can look at it, but I can't edit it. I can't even add a new one. Is this something that only is affecting the Certificate module, and that I can fix by reinstalling it, or is this a sign of a more serious problem?

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In reply to Max Monclair

Re: Can no longer edit certificate activity

Jean-Michel Védrine發表於


Can you describe exactly what happend when you try to edit this instance of certificate ? The sentence "I cannot edit it"doesn't permit us to help you.

Can you also give some informations :

- what version of Moodle you are using

- what version of certificate module you are using

- can you try to create another certificate with a type that you have not modified and see if it exhibit the same problem ? If not this would be a strong indication that in making some customization you have somewhat broken your mod/certificate/type/mytype/certificate.php file.

Last thing : where a Moodle user have a problem it is always good to go to Site Administration > Development > Debugging and to set debugging messages level to DEVELOPPER then to return to the pages where the problem is located to see if any error message is displayed and if it is, copy these messages (the complete text) on the forum. This help a lot people to help you.

In reply to Jean-Michel Védrine

Re: Can no longer edit certificate activity

Max Monclair發表於

By "I cannot edit it", I mean that instead of the edit age that normally appears when I select either link I mentioned, I now see a blank page. This also happens when I try to create a new certificate by selecting "Certificate" from the "Add an activity..." drop-down box at the lower right corner of the Topic.

I am running Moodle 2.0.4, with Certificate v.2011110106 (that is how it is listed in my Site Administration>Plugins>Activity Modules>Manage Activities).

Debugging did show an error with the certificate/lang/en/certificate.php file. However, I will have to wait until there is no one logged in to purge the cache again and load the default file, in case this causes the site to go blank for a few minutes, as before (any changes I make to it are not applied until I do so). I'll report back when I've been able to investigate this further.

In reply to Max Monclair

Re: Can no longer edit certificate activity

Jean-Michel Védrine發表於

I was thinking you got a blank page but as you hadn't said it I wasn't sure.

So now it's very important we have the error message to understand what is producing the blank page.

It's also very important you said that you also get the blank page when trying to create a new certificate.

This will help us to find the problem.

Maybe it's just a php syntax error in the certificate/lang/en/certificate.php file ?