Problem restoring lessons

Problem restoring lessons

av steve isaacs -
Antall svar: 0
I teach moodle courses using several moodle servers.  I have a lesson on one server and backed it up to restore it on the other server.  I like the fact that you can 'add' to the existing course.  I did that.  It claimed to be successful.  However, the big issue is that the coding is showing up for the end user.  I had to copy / paste all of the content so that it maintained it's format (but had to do this page by page).  Then , my questions still had issues.  So, at this point using the backup/restore really did not help at all.  I can see that this will be an ongoing problem for me as it is important for me to move some of my courses (or components of the courses) from server to server.

Any help would be greatly appreciated smiler

Steve Isaacs
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