wiki functionality from android (through wspp)

wiki functionality from android (through wspp)

per Federico Leverato -
Nombre de respostes: 0

Hallo everybody,

I'm working on this android client which should have the ability to list, choose, edit, cache, and store wiki pages/data. I'm using moodle 2.

My question: I'm logged in, I see my courses and their wikis. How is the "function/ws call flow" supposed to be from here on? Let's say I want to choose one wiki page for editing and then saving it back.

The best would be if you answer by naming wspp services, but I'm happy with a more abstract explanation also. I mean something like:

- login and get session and client id

- get userid

- get list of subscr. courses

- get course's wikis (if any)

- ...[here's where I'm stuck...]

- ...

thanks in advance,


[ p.s. I'm not sure if this should be here or in "web services" so I'm posting it in both forums - hope that's ok :P ]

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