Backup and restore including files

Re: Backup and restore including files

by Andrew Hancox -
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Gambar Core developers Gambar Plugin developers

I just had the same issue and couldn't find a solution, it took a while to figure out so I thought I'd share the details here:

My local plugin has two files:


This has one function, define_module_plugin_structure which build the tree of nested elements and calls annotate_files.


This has one function process_ELEMENTTYPE for each element defined in the backup. Initially I tried to do add_related_files here but got the same error as Anthony - the issue is that this is happening in the context of the module not the activity and so it doesn't have the old context id to retrieve the mapping. I stepped through the backup code and found that the after_restore_module hook is called when the object has the right task object with the old context id defined. When I made the call here it all worked fine.

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