Submitted assignments not displayed

Submitted assignments not displayed

Bởi Stephen Woolerton -
Số lượng các câu trả lời: 0


We have a significant issue with assignments which we believe was introduced by the 1.9.9 upgrade.

The problem is that assignments uploaded by students are not visible in the submissions window. This is not just for new assignments - when we go back to old courses with assignments that have been uploaded months ago, the assignments are not visible on the old courses either.

Two screenshots are attached showing an assignment that has been uploaded by a test account and the message we are seeing.

And checking the uploaded assignment shows...

Note: The screenshot shows the submissions window for 1 assignment uploaded. If we go to a course where there have been many assignments uploaded, we see the [1 2] links for selection of page to view the assignments, i.e. they are definitely there in the database but just not displaying for selection on the submissions page.

I've seen this post in which others have seen assignments disappearing in 1.9.9 and we've done everything described in that post including patching lib.php. No change.

We're running Postgresql  8.1 rather than MySQL in case that makes a difference.

Thank you for your assistance

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