Announcing : Moodle 2 meets with mobile devices

Announcing : Moodle 2 meets with mobile devices

per Ali Ozgur -
Nombre de respostes: 1

PragmaTouch Team is pleased to announce that we have included Moodle 2 support to all of our mobile Moodle apps (mTouch, Mtouch+ and mTouch-U).

PragmaTouch team is also proud to be the first, and for now the only mobile app vendor, which supports Moodle 2 on all modern mobile platforms.

You can test mTouch ( no registration is needed; just type your Moodle url and credentials and you are ready to go) from our public mTouch-U instance which is located at

We will also be publishing some cool features for mTouch and mTouch+ within couple of days.

Check out  details of our official announcement and the new fatures we have included to mTouch and mTouch+.

Also do not forget to subscribe to our RSS Feed

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En resposta a Ali Ozgur

Re: Announcing : Moodle 2 meets with mobile devices

per Mike Berman -

I am currently using Moodle 2.02 (hopefully upgrading to 2.1 in near future) and developing a course to use with my students. We are going to be using Color Nooks that running Andriod 2.2. Almost everything works except for text boxes in essay questions. Is there a fix for this? I see support for MDL but it says that it is for 1.9 Would this work for 2.02 and above? Would it take care of what I am trying to do? Any advise guidance that you can provide would be greatly appreciated

Would mtouch help with the text box issue?