Moodle documentation: My Courses configuration

Re: Moodle documentation: My Courses configuration

de Derek Chirnside -
Number of replies: 0

Mark: I've posted here:  no-one replied here - I was asking for where to configure courses limit - I assume it is hard coded somewhere.

I noticed this later:

I've looked at your tracker item.  Catergorisation of courses in the tree is a different issue, and I guess for people like lecturers who may have a LOT of courses it is significant.

On the other hand it could be argued that we now have My Moodle and you can go there.

I had the sort of romantic view that Moodle 2.0 would "shake down" over some weeks/months.  But I am not optmistic about resoluton for some of these little frustrating features at the moment, especiall since we have now entered the one month feature freeze period for Moodle 2.1.

In my mind this is complicated by the news from Martin last week that they are putting in a new format to solve the problem of the scroll of death:
Will this mean some rejigging of the naviation block as well? Martin has promised further news.

Also: I can't find a contact for anyone who has poked around inside the bowels of the nav block.  I don't even know how difficult some tweaks would be to improve useability.  Ocassionally a comment from a developer or  person who has looked at the code can help shape a plan.
