Daily Course Format for 2.0

Daily Course Format for 2.0

Lynette Young -
Кількість відповідей: 4

I posted this over in the Business forum, but no luck.  I see here that there had been some course plugins for 1.4 for adding a Daily Course Format - any guidance on where this went or any solutions for 2.0?  TIA!


I am in the process of installing/customizing several Moodle sites, and one of those clients that threw me a curve that stretches Moodle's functionality.  They need content within a course released on a *daily* basis, with a hard start date of the 1st of every month (each series runs for 60 days, but a new instance will start on the 1st of every month).  We were going to rummage through the code and make the change from weekly to daily (and increase the Number of Weeks/Topics to something greater than 52 to meet their needs) but wanted to see if there was a better/quicker/add-on way first.

I've toyed with the idea of turning on Enabling Conditional Access (we run Moodle 2.0) - and setting the Restrict Access setting in each page to the particular day in the series the content needs to appear.  Problem with this is that I will 1) need to go into upwards of 60 individual pages and set the date manually & 2) have a need to copy/import the courseware structure & data for multiple classes.

Any suggestions or are we really going to have to crack open the code.... TIA

У відповідь на Lynette Young

Re: Daily Course Format for 2.0

Gareth J Barnard -
Фото Core developers Фото Particularly helpful Moodlers Фото Plugin developers

Hi Lynette,

I think that you are going to have to crack open the code!

However, I have thought of an alternative solution:

1. Work in days since start date to give 'currentDayInCourse' so current date - course start date.

2. Postfix all resources / activities with '~dayNo' in their title and have php only display this in 'course editing mode' though some string manipulation.

3. Have php only display resources / activities to the user where '~dayNo' <= 'currentDayInCourse'.

This should avoid use of changing the 52 topic limit and give the greatest flexibility for course organisation as it could be by topic and then as time progresses the more advanced stuff is 'phased' in.

If this is useful and your customer pays you for it, any chance of a percentage? підморгую.



У відповідь на Gareth J Barnard

Re: Daily Course Format for 2.0

Lynette Young -

Thank Gareth for the suggestion, this might work with another situation/client but not the one that needs the Daily Course Format.  We are going to write another Course Format based on modifying the Weekly.  I'll be sure to post how it works out!!

У відповідь на Lynette Young

Re: Daily Course Format for 2.0

Gareth J Barnard -
Фото Core developers Фото Particularly helpful Moodlers Фото Plugin developers

Dear Lynette,

No worries.  I would be interested in knowing how it pans out.



У відповідь на Gareth J Barnard

Re: 49 days Course Format for 2.0

Ger Tielemans -

Long a go I made a weeks format for version 1.4, still a one without Ajax. (and a clumsy way of showing the name of the day, now I see it again застидався )

For 1.9.10 I recently made a new clone for days, starting with weeks.

taking 52 weeks for a start, you end up with 7 full weeks: 49 days, like the movie..

(well, 52 days really, of course)
If you compare my 1.9 formatWEEKS.php with my format.php for days you can see which variables you have to change and do the same for the 2.0 format.

So, I hope to see your 49 days format for Moodle 2.0 very soon усміхаюсь