Changes in Moodle HQ development practices

Changes in Moodle HQ development practices

Martin Dougiamas - ން
Number of replies: 0

We are changing our development practices here at Moodle HQ, moving to a more formally-specified Agile model based on SCRUM, and at the same time switching to git as our primary method of sharing code (instead of CVS).  See this doc on our new development process.

It's a big change for us, but one that is long overdue.  Once things settle down we should see:

  • A more accurate portrayal of overall progress in the Moodle tracker
  • Minor releases (eg 2.0.x) happening regularly.
  • Major releases happening every 6 months (starting June 2012).

For end users of Moodle, nothing changes.  The best things you can do are to:

  1. File issues in our tracker (avoiding duplicates of existing ones if possible)
  2. Vote for issues you really care about

And if you are using a CVS mirror to update your Moodle, don't worry, they will continue to work as before.

One thing you may notice soon is some email from the tracker as issues are shifted around and re-prioritised.  In particular, you may see some issues moved from specific version numbers to a generic "STABLE backlog" or "DEV backlog".  Don't worry about it!  The changes just actually reflect the true situation.
