Dreaming Moodle

Dreaming Moodle

E. L. Cooper -


The oddest thing happened recently.  I was supposed to have a couple of slow weeks, All of my clients running current moodle- debugged servers- time for me. The universe had other ideas  and folk I had not heard a word from in over a year appeared with system issues so I ran like a corgi herding sheep for long hours about 9 days straight.

Finally, most of the bugs trapped, I settled in with a nice bottle of shiraz, fresh bread, triple creme brie and my favorite blanket to go brainless in front of the syfy channel. In a blink I was down under walking up to Helen Foster and saying how thrilled I was to be there. We were outside on a late summer day and when I looked down at my self I was wearing a dress.  I only had a moment to reflect on how unexpected that was before Martin was there too and talking then I was wide awake on my couch.

Sometimes you can moodle too much.