Tex Filtering with Solaris

Tex Filtering with Solaris

per Monica Franz -
Nombre de respostes: 1


We're using moodle version 1.9.8 and mimetex (compiled for Solaris), php 5.3.2.

We have two moodle systems one is for testing and the other is the production system.

At the prod. system the tex filtering works fine, but at the testing system not at all. We copied the content of  filter/tex of the prod. system to the testing system. The course using the tex filter was copied to the testing system too.

But the math functions e.g. $$ \sqrt{{a+b}\over{a-b}}$$ aren't displayed on the testingsystem through moodle but running mimetex with the math function shows the correct expression


. The moodle testing system shows \sqrt{{a+b}\over{a-b}} .

What is going wrong, that the expressions aren't shown on the testing system but on the prod. system?



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En resposta a Monica Franz

Re: Tex Filtering with Solaris

per Monica Franz -




I'm testing the upgrade on our testing system with courses (database) as a copy from the prod. system, while I got the users to use the prod. system as we made a release to the newer moodle version after checking out the main things. Now an elder course turned out to make the mentioned problem on the testing system, but works on the prod. system which is quite weird!

This is the history. I can't run the tex debug routine on the testing system but on the prod. system, that's weird too! So I don't have any results for the testing system otherwise I wouldn't have posted these.


I recognized that my discussion point I posted yesterday has a not up-to-date version in this forum where you can't see the functions I tested. Don't know why this old version is in the forum?

