My Own Server

Re: My Own Server

von Marcus Green -
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To emphasie Daves comments, running on Moodle Linux is MUCH more effecient of resources . The reasons behind this are

MySQL requires fewer resources than the databases that Bb uses (arguably because MySQL offers fewer features)
Moodle uses PHP whereas Bb appears to depend on JavaServer Pages. Anything to do with Java requires the emulation of a virtual CPU, which adds another layer of abstraction, thus impacting raw performance.

You can shut down the GUI on Linux (X Windows and your "desktop" such as KDE), which again frees up very significant resources, by contrast with the need to constantly give up CPU cycles to support the Windows GUI even if you do not needed it a particular moment.

However to slightly contradict Daves comment,  The complexity of Administering Linux and Windows depends on your background. If you have a strong Windows background Linux could be a mystery. But if your background is Linux, the ways of Windows would feel obscure.