Moodle Covers The Globe!

Moodle Covers The Globe!

by Sean Keogh -
Number of replies: 27
Hi folks,

I don't know if Martin is going to put an offical announcement in the news section at the front of, but I thought I'd just pop in here with my sites registrar hat on, to tell you that a few minutes ago, I registered a live working Moodle site in our ONE HUNDREDTH COUNTRY!

That's up from 96 in just a couple of welcome to Vietnam, Moldova, Uzbekistan and Bulgaria.

Moodle Rocks On!

By the way, has anyone considered creating a map showing global moodle coverage?
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In reply to Sean Keogh

Re: Moodle Covers The Globe!

by Joyce Smith -
Hi Sean, thanks for that wonderful  info !! big grinIt is indeed  heartwarming to see how many different countries, cultures, languages etc  are being assisted to bring 'learning'  to people that perhaps would not be able to 'afford ' the proprietary systems ? Moodle is really helping to break down that Digital Divide It  really would be fantastic ,if, in a few years, the Band- Aid , and famine relief programs ,were not needed,  because the people were educated ,and able to look after themselves. Pipedream ?? or is it ?
What Martin and you guys are providing to the WORLD , is awesome !
Joyce shy
PS Mart had a map of the world (Moodle wise) on the presentation he gave us at Adelaide Moodle Moot , it was a great presentation by the way, maybe ask Mart to give us the presentation !!
In reply to Joyce Smith

Re: Moodle Covers The Globe!

by Drew Buddie -
What a magic post Joyce - very life affirming.  With regard to a map, WEBQUEST Guru Prof Bernie Dodge of San Diego Uni has had such a thing on his personal Blog (highly recommended) One Trick Cyberpony.   Here's one of the map tools I've seen him use - would that work?
In reply to Drew Buddie

Re: Moodle Covers The Globe!

by Joyce Smith -
Thanks Drew .
here is a 'photo' of what I was referring to, Martin's presentation to us ( a bit fuzzy, but think you may get the gist of it ) we shall all of us, one day ,make a bigger difference together !, than the 'difference' that has already been achieved by the trailblazers '
Joyce smile
Attachment MartinMoodleWorl.jpg
In reply to Drew Buddie

Re: Moodle Covers The Globe!

by Sean Keogh -
You know, looking at that map, I've just realised, we have no moodle in Antarctica.  The last continent...

Sean K Beardie
In reply to Sean Keogh

Re: Moodle Covers The Globe!

by Mark Stevens -
Let's make sure our maps are area accurate, and don't favor any particular hemisphere:

big grin
In reply to Mark Stevens

Re: Moodle Covers The Globe!

by Tony Hursh -
In reply to Tony Hursh

Re: Moodle Covers The Globe!

by David Scotson -

You beat me to mentioning the Dymaxion Map so I'll provide a couple of other links with nice versions of it:

Printable (and foldable!) PDF

Map in PNG format

The map above is from a site that is linked from the place Tony pointed too, but as it is easy to miss and has a few hidden gems (flash animations etc.) I thought I'd mention it explicitly.

In reply to Sean Keogh

Re: Moodle Covers The Globe!

by Martin Dougiamas -
Core developers இன் படம் Documentation writers இன் படம் Moodle HQ இன் படம் Particularly helpful Moodlers இன் படம் Plugin developers இன் படம் Testers இன் படம்
If anyone is seriously considering creating a world coverage map of servers I can arrange to get a list of raw IPs to you for that purpose (only).

Alternatively, and probably better, perhaps someone can come up with a cool little script akin to the userpics page that simply processes all the user profiles in a Moodle site and plots their countries (using colours?) in realtime on a map. This would be a nice addition to Moodle anyway. புன்முறுவல்

(Updated the link)
In reply to Martin Dougiamas

Re: Moodle Covers The Globe!

by W Page -
Hi Martin!

This is what I get when I click on the "userpix" link above,

Currently only the administrator can access this page!



In reply to Martin Dougiamas

Re: Moodle Covers The Globe!

by David Scotson -

It would be neat if you could integrate at HitMap perhaps in a block (there are smaller maps). I've not looked into it in depth but I doubt it's rocket science. If you want one for your own website, sign up here.

Attachment world.png
In reply to David Scotson

Re: Moodle Covers The Globe!

by Martin Dougiamas -
Core developers இன் படம் Documentation writers இன் படம் Moodle HQ இன் படம் Particularly helpful Moodlers இன் படம் Plugin developers இன் படம் Testers இன் படம்
In reply to Martin Dougiamas

Re: Moodle Covers The Globe!

by David Scotson -

I cut and pasted the code they provide into the site description field of our cvs-head test server. I think it looks quite cute and would make a nice block project for those with a global audience.

In reply to David Scotson

Re: Moodle Covers The Globe!

by Martin Dougiamas -
Core developers இன் படம் Documentation writers இன் படம் Moodle HQ இன் படம் Particularly helpful Moodlers இன் படம் Plugin developers இன் படம் Testers இன் படம்
You obviously didn't see the block I put in this course yesterday then. பெரிய அசட்டுச் சிரிப்பு 

Still waiting for it to update....
In reply to Martin Dougiamas

Re: Moodle Covers The Globe!

by David Scotson -

Ah, neat! Should be interesting data.

In reply to David Scotson

Re: Moodle Covers The Globe!

by W Page -
Hey David!

You are just too cool. The Hit Map is a cool tool for the site and the blank maps at Wikipedia are a great tool for the classroom. [I am going to go "biome" crazy now.] Thanks for both. Martin! The side column Hit Map version looks really nice in Moodle.


In reply to Martin Dougiamas

Re: Moodle Covers The Globe!

by Ian Usher -

Hi Martin!

I'm using HitMaps outside of my Moodle environment - has this made it to a block which others can use (even as an experiment) or is it limited to wink


In reply to Ian Usher

Re: Moodle Covers The Globe!

by Martin Dougiamas -
Core developers இன் படம் Documentation writers இன் படம் Moodle HQ இன் படம் Particularly helpful Moodlers இன் படம் Plugin developers இன் படம் Testers இன் படம்
Hitmaps in general is going down the tubes I think ... looks like they can't handle the load any more.

The block code is trivial:


class CourseBlock_hitblock extends MoodleBlock {
    function CourseBlock_hitblock ($course) {
        $this->title = "Recent Visitors";
        $this->content_type = BLOCK_TYPE_TEXT;
        $this->course = $course;
        $this->version = 2004050300;

    function get_content() {
        global $USER, $CFG;

        if ($this->content !== NULL) {
            return $this->content;

        $this->content = New object;
        $this->content->footer = '';

        $courseid = $this->course->id;

        $this->content->text = '<center><a href="" id="hitMapsLink"><img src="" width="160" height="80" border=0 alt="Site visitors from the past week" onError="this.onError=null; this.src=\'\'; document.getElementById(\'hitMapsLink\').href=\'\'"></a><p>Hits in the last 7 days</center>';

        return $this->content;

    function hide_header() {
        return false;

    function preferred_width() {
        return 186;


And my code to generate the list of IPs to upload to Hitmaps was just:



header("Content-Type: text/plain\n");

$time = time() - (24 * 3600);

$hits = get_records_sql_menu("SELECT ip,count(*) FROM log WHERE time >= '$weekago' GROUP BY ip");

foreach ($hits as $ip => $count) {
    if (!empty($ip)) {

In reply to Martin Dougiamas

Re: Moodle Covers The Globe!

by Samuli Karevaara -
Any idea why the HitMaps thingy always says to me "hits depicted above: 2223"? Is it working for you guys? That is, giving different numbers each week, at least.
In reply to Sean Keogh

Re: Moodle Covers The Globe!

by David Scotson -

If someone wanted to sit down with a list of countries and create a map of coverage then they could take this blank political map of the globe from wikipedia and color the appropriate countries with any drawing package (all the countries have a 1 pixel border.

On Wikipedia's blank maps page they also have e.g. US and German states if someone felt that level of detail would be interesting to show too.