Autolink from Metacourse glossary to child courses

Re: Autolink from Metacourse glossary to child courses

yazan Steven Cobb -
Yanıt sayısı: 0

Has anyone found a solution to this? I cannot accept that I have to export and import a glossary to multiple classes every time I update the main glossary. I can't help but think this is possible.

On my server when I update the instance id of the record that corresponds to the glossary on one course to the id of a glossary from another course, then glossary is truly shared. The only thing that is not working are the links to images that I've included and the automatic linking of glossary terms.

I'm going to work on a solution to this. The ability to share a glossary is crucial as I'm using Moodle to teach music lessons. Each course is going to change to fit that particular student, but I want the same glossary to be shared throughout all of the courses in one particular area of study. If I have 50 vocal students each with their own unique course, I would like the glossary immediately available at the top of their course and shared between all of them.

Is there a solution already made for this?