Display only attended courses

Display only attended courses

by Richard Kut -
Number of replies: 6

I need to display only courses that someone has attended, and not just enrolled.

The problem is that people are re-enrolling in courses that they have already attended because they cannot see which courses they have previously attended.

Attendance is taken and input back into Moodle, so we know that the info is in the database somewhere. We just do not know how to display it, or make it available to the Moodle users.

Any guidance on this would be very much appreciated.

Thank you,

Richard Kut

Attachment moodle_1.gif
Average of ratings: -
In reply to Richard Kut

Re: Display only attended courses

by Ravishankar Somasundaram -
Dear Chard kut,

Am curious to know how do you define the term "Attended" ? to give a precise answer for your requirement.

~ ~ ~ Peace - Ravishankar Somasundaram ~ ~ ~
In reply to Ravishankar Somasundaram

Re: Display only attended courses

by Richard Kut -
Hi Ravishankar,

By "attended" I mean that if the student has enrolled in a course, but then never attends the course (and this is recorded in the database by the course attendance) then we do not want the student to see this course in the display.

I hope that my explanation helps. I have attached a screenshot of the attendance display.


Richard Kut

Attachment moodle_2.gif
In reply to Richard Kut

Re: Display only attended courses

by Ravishankar Somasundaram -
Dear Richard Kut,

When you say "
The problem is that people are re-enrolling in courses that they have already attended because they cannot see which courses they have previously attended"

1. Cant the user see the list of courses he has enrolled in his profile page ?

2. If hes already enrolled and have attended/ presently attending the course, i don't think moodle allows him to re-enroll into the same course (which is obviously redundant) until he is un - enrolled from the course

So please explain your exact business scenario and the challenges you are facing.

If you need to show the user an overall picture saying what are the available course in the site and what are the courses he has

1. Enrolled in or
2. Actively participated (determined based on his activity within the course constiuents) or
3. Attended (determinded based on attendance),

the course listing page which the users gets to see as soon as he logs in the site would be a best fit than the user profile field as a single point of contact, because it would prove a big hierarchical, usability flaw if you want the users to login -> click on their profile name at top right to get into their profile page to see what are the courses they have enrolled into and attended/completed and then get back to the course listing page to enroll into other courses.

I have already faced this necessity and have designed a patch for this, and would be happy to share it with you if you are interested.

Dear Marry cooch,

Yes, but i wanted a detailed statement of his business model regarding the scope of it (for example : whether all the constituents are taken into consideration or a particular activity/resource or a separate module), And now he has confirmed that its the attendance taken as a deciding factor.

~ ~ ~ Peace - Ravishankar Somasundaram ~ ~ ~
In reply to Ravishankar Somasundaram

Re: Display only attended courses

by Richard Kut -
Hi Ravishankar,

Yes, the user can see the courses that he has enrolled in. However, that does not mean that the user actually attended the course for which he was enrolled. Therefore, if the user would like to enroll again to the course in order to try again to attend, then the list shown in the user profile page is not helpful, since it will show that he had already enrolled in that course. This would confuse the user, since he had not originally attended the course.

Please note that a sign-in sheet is part of every course, and that the attendance from the sign-in sheet is input into Moodle after every course.

Based on this need, it sounds like your patch might help us. Please let me know how to install the patch. Please keep in mind that I have no knowledge of PHP at all, so I will need the explanations to be simple. Thank you for your help.

Best Regards,

Richard Kut

In reply to Richard Kut

Re: Display only attended courses

by Aaron Wells -
I think there might be some confusion about terminology here. From your screenshot, it looks like what you mean by attendance in a course, is actually attendance at a face-to-face session. Moodle courses and face-to-face sessions are two somewhat different things, though confusingly similar.

Some background: The face-to-face module is a Moodle plugin that facilitates in-person training sessions. The way it works is that you have a standard Moodle course, and then inside that course you can create a "face-to-face" activity. Then, within the face-to-face activity, you set up individual "sessions", which are places-and-times that in-person meetings will be occurring. So you might have a Moodle course "Math 101", and then a face-to-face activity called "Lab session 1: basic algebra", and then under that activity you might have several sessions like "Room 1, 5pm July 3", "Room 2, 6pm July 5", etc. Students enrol in the Moodle course, then sign up for the face-to-face sessions, and after the session has taken place the teacher can mark down whether they attended or not.

I believe attendance at face-to-face sessions is stored as a grade in the gradebook, a 0 if the student failed to attend and a 100 if they did attend. On the database level, there's an entry in mdl_grade_items for each face-to-face activity, and an entry in mdl_grade_grades for the attendance of each student. at each session they've signed up for. Unfortunately, I don't know an easy way to turn this info into the behavior you want. புன்முறுவல்

The face-to-face module has its own forum, which you might want to check out if you haven't already: http://moodle.org/mod/forum/view.php?id=7136