Close Window button

Close Window button

por Simon Reynolds -
Número de respostas: 1

When I create a new resource using 'Compose a Web Page', I would like the user to have the option to press a button to close the page. When I use the 'Open in new window' option,  I would like to add the java script:

<input type=button value="Close Window" onClick="javascript:self.close();">

I assume it goes into one of the resource/type/html folder files but not sure which one or where. My skills don't extent to this yet sorriso 

Can anyone help me? I think this would be a useful item to have on the page.



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Em resposta à Simon Reynolds

Re: Close Window button

por Dave Cuttriss -

Hi Simon: just drop the code (<input type=button value="Close Window" XonClick="javascript:self.close();">) into the HTML code of your new web page resource. (Use the <> button in the HTML editor menu bar to see the code)

Hope I'm not teaching granny to suck eggs.......



(p.s. just realised how old this post was....doubt it's relevant anymore)