Simple student essay form

Simple student essay form

par Ger Tielemans,
Nombre de réponses : 2
Is it simple to create an assignement-fill-in-form for students where they can choose between flat, wiki or html-text?
Moyenne des évaluations: -
En réponse à Ger Tielemans

Re: Simple student essay form

par Valerie Taylor,
In other CMSs there are long answer questions with big scrolling text boxes, where students can input essays or other longer passages. These can't be automatically graded, but they work well for keeping all student assignments together online. There is usually a way to enter grades manually and provide feedback and/or comments.

We plan to use Moodle for staff development courses so grades aren't applicable, but getting 2-3 sentence answers to questions pre- and post-course are very useful, as are forms/questions to guide the preparation of course related documents. Any plans for long answer questions or work-arounds?