OnCreate - do something

OnCreate - do something

George Kroner
Number of replies: 1
Hi, is it possible to use a filter to perform an action whenever a new piece of content is created in Moodle? For example - is it possible to hook into the workflow to do something whenever a resource is added or an activity gets created? Alternatively, is there some sort of notification/alert mechanism that could be hooked in to for this same purpose?

Thank you,
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In reply to George Kroner

Re: OnCreate - do something

Tom Murdock
Sure! Check the logs and you'll see that many user interactions with an item are stored there, including the creation of activities and resources by instructors.

A solution, then, is to collect the information and to create notification triggers against it. We do something like this at my company. I absolutely love this stuff. 미소

Moodle is ideal because it tracks so many footprints in the sand...