Searching multiple wiki's

Searching multiple wiki's

marc swart -
Erantzun kopurua: 2
I have seen that my question has been asked before but unfortunately never answered.

My question is: is there a possibility to search in all the wiki's at once for a specific subject/word, without searching in other parts of the site. I experimented with global search but that gives a major error barrea Hope someone can help. Thanks in advance
Puntuazioen batez bestekoa: -
marc swart(e)ri erantzunda

Re: Searching multiple wiki's

Christy Tucker -
Marc, did you find any way to do this? Global search doesn't seem to work with the wiki for me either, although that may partly be due to some customization on our site.

Is there even a way to just search within a single wiki?

Any help would be appreciated.
Christy Tucker(e)ri erantzunda

Re: Searching multiple wiki's

marc swart -
Hello Christy,

Nothing so far. I hope with the new Wiki platform this will be possible. Global search gives a big error with us.

Searching a single wiki is possible though. At the top of the wiki page there should be a search field. Cannot find something to switch it on unfortunately.

Good luck