MrCute uploading IMS zip from D2L - metadata help!

MrCute uploading IMS zip from D2L - metadata help!

Mark Anthoney -
Atsakymų skaičius: 3

Our institution is looking at MrCute in Moodle to replace our previous licensed LOR. We realize that Moodle 2.0 may make MrCute redundant...but must arrive at a solution before a stable 2.0 release.

We've exported IMS zip packages from Desire2Learn (D2L) and tried uploading in MrCute using the "Upload existing IMS zip package" feature. MrCute allows us to upload the package...but no associated metadata is grabbed upon upload.

Does anyone have a similar experience? We are looking for a way to modify the D2L manifest file so that the metadata is automatically uploaded into our Moodle repository.

Thanks in anticipation!

Mark Anthoney
Instructional Technology Consultant

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Atsakymas į Mark Anthoney

Re: MrCute uploading IMS zip from D2L - metadata help!

Dennis Kronebusch -

I do not have access to the MrCute instance to test.
But I find using the Content Re-engineering Tool (the new RELOAD project)found at
as a good way to repackage the exported files for other LMS or LOR.

Atsakymas į Dennis Kronebusch

Re: MrCute uploading IMS zip from D2L - metadata help!

Mark Anthoney -
Thanks Dennis!

I've downloaded and tried to use the Schema Transform and Content Re-engineering tools.

So far, I haven't been able to get the test files to run successfully with the Schema Transform tool. I at least know enough to run the .sh through command line (using Mac), but I'm getting an error:

The referenced include or import schema ims_xml.xsd is not well-formed. Reason: Error on line 3 of document file:///Users/manthoney/Desktop/STT_distribution_v2_4/docs/TestMaterial/ims_xml.xsd: The prefix "xml" cannot be bound to any namespace other than its usual namespace; neither can the namespace for "xml" be bound to any prefix other than "xml".

Am I right in assuming I need to place the exported IMS manifest file in the SchemaTransform in order to use the output schema to validate our manifest.xml files for upload into Moodle?

As far as I can tell we're trying to switch from IEEE to IMS schemas. Many thanks for any additional information you can provide!


Atsakymas į Mark Anthoney

Re: MrCute uploading IMS zip from D2L - metadata help!

Dennis Kronebusch -

When I have a package that does not work, I will open the CRT Re-Engineering tool and create new SCORM 1.2. Then import the files into the new package. Then in the tool grab the index or first page of the course and create the "organization" or table of contents. Basically just to get able to import.