Help needed for a sql query

Help needed for a sql query

Oktay Dayıoğlu - દ્વારા
Number of replies: 3

I want to learn as a list "students taking course A is also taking these courses". How can I make a query for that. Any help?


In reply to Oktay Dayıoğlu

Re: Help needed for a sql query

Mark Johnson - દ્વારા
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You'll need to find the context ID of the courses you're after (using get_context_instance) and look up role assignments for the student role in those contexts from the role_assignments table.

If you need help with the actual SQL itself, you'll need to be a bit more specific about what you're trying to do. Do you want all students in course A but also in all of courses B, C, D..., or also in one of B, C, D..., or something else?
In reply to Mark Johnson

Ynt: Re: Help needed for a sql query

Oktay Dayıoğlu - દ્વારા

Actually I need the query itself. I can not write one. I do not know programming. and my English is limited. What I want is a list as below.

Course name                       Students who takes Course X is also taking courses below

Course A                              Course B

                                          Course C

                                          Course  M 


Course C                               Course A

                                           Course Z

and so on ...       

I will use this list to make the exam schedule. So exams will not be overlapped. I really appreciate any help in query. Thanks in advance.

In reply to Oktay Dayıoğlu

Re: Ynt: Re: Help needed for a sql query

Mark Johnson - દ્વારા
Picture of Core developers Picture of Particularly helpful Moodlers Picture of Peer reviewers Picture of Plugin developers
I see, so you want all the other courses taken by students on a given course. I don't think you'll find it very easy to do this purely in SQL, I think you'll at least need to run a query for each course in your system. A basic script to do this would look something like this, might not be spot on though:

include config.php; // Assuming this is in the root of your Moodle installation.
$courses = get_records(course); // Get all the courses on the system

foreach ($courses as $course){ // For each course

 echo '<h1>'.$course->fullname.'</h1> // Print its name
 Students taking this course also take: // Print a list of other courses
 $sql = 'SELECT fullname
 FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'course AS c
 -- Get the context id of each course
 JOIN '.$CFG->prefix.'context AS con WHERE con.contextlevel = 50 AND con.instanceid =
 -- Get the role assignments for each course context
 JOIN '.$CFG->prefix.'role_assignments AS ra ON roleid = 5 AND = ra.contextid
 -- Only select courses that users in the current course are enrolled on.
 WHERE ra.userid IN (
 FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'role_assignments as ra1
 JOIN '.$CFG->prefix.'context AS con1 ON contextlevel = 50 AND = ra1.contextid
 WHERE con.instanceid = '.$course->id.'

 $othercourses = get_records_sql($sql);
 foreach ($othercourses as $othercourse) {
 echo '<li>'.$othercourse->fullname.'</li>';
 echo '</ul>';