Uploaded assignment files disappearing

Uploaded assignment files disappearing

von Barbara Baldwin -
Anzahl Antworten: 6

We have an issue with uploaded files disappearing from assignments and the grade book.

Using the Upload a single assignment option, a student has uploaded a file, the teacher has graded the work and commented on it, but then the file has disappeared from view. The student has tried to re-upload the file, but this hasn't solved the problem. The file(s) are in the moddata folder.

There are over 600 students on the course and 12 teachers. At the moment only one teacher has reported a problem, which is affecting several of her students and on several different assignments. But the majority of her students don't appear to be affected. I suspect the problem may be affecting other students but their teachers haven't realised yet.

We are using Moodle 1.9.5, mysql 5.1.33 and php

Has anyone experienced this problem?

Any help gratefully recieved

Thank you


Mittelwert:Useful (1)
Als Antwort auf Barbara Baldwin

Re: Uploaded assignment files disappearing

von Mira Vogel -
We're experiencing this problem currently, and I'm just trying to get to the bottom of it.
Als Antwort auf Barbara Baldwin

Re: Uploaded assignment files disappearing

von Molly Crofton -
We have also run into this problem, with some interesting details (below). Have you or anyone figured anything more out?

In our case:

- we have many Moodle instances running (19), but only one of them is seeing this problem.
- of the 19, 6 (including the troubled instance) were on v1.9.2 at the first occurrence. We have since upgraded the problem child to 1.9.5 (as well as one other instance).
- it seems to only be happening on Thursdays, possibly bi-weekly (though it didn't happen one of those dates)
- we are in a loadbalanced infrastructure, with shared DB and NAS servers between our 19 instances...leading us to believe this is not hardware or network related

Any ideas or tips of what we could try to do to get closer to solving this one?
Als Antwort auf Molly Crofton

Re: Uploaded assignment files disappearing

von ben reynolds -
I'm not the best respondent for this situation, but here are some thoughts.
  1. Check whether your server space is full. Strange behavior such as all 3 of you are seeing often happens when there is no space left for work.
  2. Molly, do you really mean 19 different Moodles are running? Wow! Not 19 courses/classrooms, but 19 separate Moodles.
  3. What happens on Thursdays? Backups?
Als Antwort auf Barbara Baldwin

Re: Uploaded assignment files disappearing

von Roland Jugandi -

This has just happened to us. The files disappeared, but the date and grade remains. No ideas yet.

Als Antwort auf Roland Jugandi

Re: Uploaded assignment files disappearing

von barbara beckmeyer -
Have you checked in the 'Files" area in the Moddata folder? That is where they usually live once uploaded by students.
Als Antwort auf barbara beckmeyer

Re: Uploaded assignment files disappearing

von Roland Jugandi -

Thanks Barbara, the folders are empty. In all likelihood, I probably deleted them myself when cleaning up my files.

I should sign up for Housekeeping 101.