ERROR in adding new resource in weekly format

ERROR in adding new resource in weekly format

von Genner Cerna -
Anzahl Antworten: 2
In adding resource in weekly format, data is not being display but showing in recent activity and in resource.
Als Antwort auf Genner Cerna

Re: ERROR in adding new resource in weekly format

von Phil Cozens -

Hi Genner,

Your problem seems a bit similar to mine in that when I try to add an uploaded file as a resource in either the weekly or topic formats, I get thrown back to the login screen even though the file has been uploaded into the folder on the server.  Please let me know if you do have a solution.  Our IT department have been trying to fix this for several weeks now.


Als Antwort auf Phil Cozens

Re: ERROR in adding new resource in weekly format

von Geoff Knott -


Thanks for that, but I don't think it is the same problem. I now find that other users can use the audio files perfectly well, so I now think that the problem must be either with my browser settings ( not changed, so far as I am aware, or Zone Alarm, although turning it off doesn't seem to make any difference. So, think again .............thoughtful
