New course format: Timeline

New course format: Timeline

von Helen Foster -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

Do you have any courses with lots of sections which result in the course page being really long? If so, you'll be interested in the Timeline course format, which displays only the most recent sections on the course page, with older sections available on a separate page.

The Timeline course format, a GSOC 2009 project, has been developed by José Cedeño and mentored by Martín Langhoff. All being well, the code is due to be merged into the OLPC XS Moodle. goedkeurend

If you'd like to have a play with the Timeline course format, please visit the Timeline course format test course (login with username test and password test). Any bugs can be reported in tracker issue CONTRIB-1403 and feedback can be posted in the discussion Timeline Course Format - please help with testing!

If you're interested in trying out other course formats, the modules and plugins database has over ten contributed course formats available for download. Discussions about them can be found in the course formats forum.