Displayed version missmatch

Displayed version missmatch

par Jeff Forssell,
Nombre de réponses : 5

Just lost my post after clicking "Allow Google analytics" in the "no script" bar that had come.

And I hadn't installed Lazarus on this machine.

I am learning to use NetBeans and CVS to prepare to some Moodle Code hacking and it seems like a really nice tool (Though similar to Moodle in the "choice overload syndrome" sourire )

I have just done a Update of both 1.9 and HEAD. In the 1.9 version.php it says:
$release = '1.9.5+ (Build: 20090906)';
but when I hover over the Moodle logo on the front page it says:
build: 20090819
If I search through the whole Moodle folder for "20090819" it is nowhere to be found.
I even tried looking for "build:" to see if that might lead me to something that would put that together, put that only gave me 3 php files (version filter and resourse.class) and a lot of YUI files that didn't seem to fit.

where is the 20090819 coming from?
Moyenne des évaluations  -
En réponse à Jeff Forssell

Re: Displayed version missmatch

par Frank Ralf,
Hi Jeff,

The usual suspect would be your browser's cache.

En réponse à Frank Ralf

Re: Displayed version missmatch

par Jeff Forssell,
Thanks for trying

But I cleaned out my FF cache and still get it.

I even put on my gloves and started up IE6 (I should update on this machine!) and was reminded of it's behavior: Shows the ALT text rather than the TITLE in spite of the logo being there. And if I check the source:

<a title="Moodle 1.9.5+ (Build: 20090819)" href="http://moodle.org/"><img style="width:100px;height:30px" src="pix/moodlelogo.gif" alt="moodlelogo" /></a></div></div>

Any one else to put in the "line up"?

I now tried putting in a
print_object($CFG->version); //Jeff
in index.php

when I go to the page I get

which if I understand right is the 50th version of the 20071015 branch =1.9?

En réponse à Jeff Forssell

Re: Displayed version missmatch

par Frank Ralf,
Another try:

Check the version number at Site Administration > Server > Environment

Sometimes the correct number only shows up, when you have run "Update Component" or "Notifications".

The Registration page also shows the version number but I don't remember where to find that in 1.9 (Moodle 2.0 has a dedicated link).

My Moodle database "config" table shows:

version: 2007101550
release: 1.9.5+ (Build: 20090719)

With a CVS update you only update your files. But for Moodle to recognize the new version you have to tell it to also update the database by running "Notifications" (or perhaps cron).

En réponse à Frank Ralf

Re: Displayed version missmatch

par Jeff Forssell,

After running CRON the version on the front page is right. Though I still wonder where it comes from. I guess the CRON gets it from version.php and puts it in the database.