MSA-09-0009: TeX filter file disclosure

MSA-09-0009: TeX filter file disclosure

per Petr Skoda -
Nombre de respostes: 0
Topic: TeX filter file disclosure
Severity: Major
Versions affected: <= 1.9.4, <= 1.8.8, <= 1.7.7, <=1.6.9
Reported by: Christian Eibl
Issue no.: MDL-18552, CVE-2009-1171
Solution: update to latest weeklies or copy latest filter/tex/*.* and filter/algebra/*.* into your current install
Workaround: disable or delete TeX and Algebra filters completely

Christian Eibl reported and helped fix a serious TeX filter problem. Unfortunately the details were released before we had chance to inform administrators of registered Moodle sites. Please update your servers immediately or disable the TeX and Algebra filters until you are able to update.