Is Moodle Enterprise Ready?

Re: Is Moodle Enterprise Ready?

oleh David Mark Weiss -
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Yeah I get that. The folks at Utah State University, and other Utah Education Association members, who benefit from the state wide contract, seem to think so. They have invested in the latest and "greatest" version, much nicer than other schools versions I have seen. We use Moodle in a few classes in our department as a result of one professor who wanted students to have the experience plus he finds it so much easier to use. However, the schools campus and distance learning initiatives are all BB. The enterprise issue came up in a conversation. Being fair, they hadn't "evaluated" moodle in some time. I think this was just casual conversation, but it prompted in me the question, to which I have received wonderful feedback. I am working on another project that could scale to very big. So I wanted to ask. Thanks to all