it woulkd be nice to mark an activity and asign outcomes for each indavidual student what do you think or is it possible

it woulkd be nice to mark an activity and asign outcomes for each indavidual student what do you think or is it possible

por Dan Vaughan -
Número de respostas: 0

The background

At my College We offer a wide variety of courses and qualifications most of whcih require specific set list criterea/outcomes to be met In order for a qualification to be gained.  This is often accomplished by our lecturer writing specific assignments to meet these outcomes.  Obviously this is a simple thing in the grade book as you create the activity then chooses the linked outcomes that belong to it.

However we also have some courses where assignments are written which allow student a more flexible approch as to which outcome they wish to include within there assigment. (a more learner focused way of assessing)

So here is the question (again)

Is it possible to mark an activity and then choose the related outcomes for each indavidual student instead of assigning them at the point of creation?


Student 1 in assignment one cover outcome 1 2 and 5

Student 2 in assignment 1 one covers outcome 2 7 and 9