I would like to start a Moodle "user group" in South Africa

Re: I would like to start a Moodle "user group" in South Africa

per NN NN -
Nombre de respostes: 0
Hi Jason,

Your Firefox issue has definitely been fixed, your site is looking great :D

I like your login "thingy" at the top of the page, really cool.

As for creating a South African Moodle user's group, it would seem that it is not going to happen Trist Not 1 person has indicated that they are interested, which is quite sad, since there are over 180 Moodle sites in South Africa.

oh well, my site has gone live earlier this week, it is a commercial site, and has very little to do with education, but please feel free to check it out, it may give you some good ideas of how to implement Moodle in a way that it has not been originally designed for, which just highlights the "Uber flexibility" of Moodle. (www.change-management-toolbook.com)